Each Mariners congregation is served by shepherding elders, and a team of directional elders, alongside our senior pastor who also serves as a directional elder, provide oversight for Mariners Church. When our directional elders invite an elder to join the directional elder team, the elders believe that the person has faithfully displayed the biblical qualifications of being an elder (1 Timothy 3:1-7) for a sustained period of time.
Our directional elders have invited Brian Lim to become a directional elder. Brian is an experienced G.I. doctor who resides in North Irvine with his wife Susan and two children—Josephine, and J.D. Brian has been at Mariners for 5 years. A man of high integrity, compassion for others, and a deep love for Jesus, Brian loves and serves others faithfully. When he is not serving on the worship team at Mariners North Irvine alongside his son J.D. (who serves on the production team) he is modeling Jesus to those around him, beginning with his family.
Brian has served our church very well. Our directional elders have interviewed Brian and believe he meets the biblical qualifications of being an elder. And since the qualifications include being “above reproach,” whenever we name a new directional elder, we invite you to reach out to the church if you believe the person is not living according to the biblical qualifications.
We fully anticipate Brian will be joining our directional elder team, so please pray for Brian and Susan as they begin serving.