Mariners Kids

Inspiring kids to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world

As we inspire children to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world, we are deeply committed to children and their families and to these values that guide our kid’s ministry.

    1. Mariners Kids are safe, secure, and known. 
      Because we value kids so much, we value a facility that is safe and secure, leaders who can be trusted, and processes that parents appreciate. Because kids are so impressionable, we provide Christ-centered and encouraging leaders to know and care for each child.
    2. Mariners Kids have fun at church.
      Church can and should be fun for kids. A child’s experience at church shapes how they view God, so we use intentional music, stories, games, and hands-on learning activities to help kids understand God and His Word. 
    3. Mariners Kids are transformed from the inside-out.
      As we inspire kids to follow Jesus, we are discipling them to trust the One who transforms us. More than going after their behavior, we go after their hearts by teaching the good news of Jesus and applying the Word to their lives. 
    4. Mariners Kids are world changers. 
      We have a high view of kids and give them opportunities to serve their church and community today. We know we are investing in future leaders who will influence others and change the world with God’s grace and truth.


We design fun and interactive spaces just for kids, available at every service! Select which congregation you would like your kids to get connected to find out more.

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