Every student can find a place to belong, connect deeply, and take their faith to the
next level through Life Groups. Join us on Wednesday nights!


Our mission is to inspire students to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world. We exist to walk alongside Junior High and High School students as they develop their own authentic faith and equip them to share it with their communities.


Junior High

Sundays at 11:30a & 1p
JHM Room

You’re invited to a service designed just for you! You will walk away with unforgettable memories, new friends, and grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus! Join us every Sunday at 10 & 11:30a in the youth room on the second floor.

High School

Sundays at 11:30a
Worship Center

We’ve created a space just for high schoolers in our main gatherings to continue building community with each other while being part of our larger church body! We believe that students are the church of today & that we look more like the family of God when multiple generations gather together. We can’t wait to see you in the Worship Center! Sit with us in our Student Section at the 11:30a service!


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Stay up to date with upcoming events, current series, and all that’s happening in the life of Mariners SA Youth!


We need you! We are looking for people who follow Jesus, love people, and want to invest in teenagers. Our students need their family of Jesus walking with them – maybe now more than ever! Reach out to hear about more opportunities.

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