Mariners Church Shepherding Elders

The LORD will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and
wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to the treasure.

Isaiah 33:6


For an updated directory email [email protected]

Update your directory information (Name, phone, email, picture)

Position Papers

For copies of Mariners Church position papers, please email [email protected].

Lanyard Reprint

Upcoming Meetings

Shepherding Elder Wives

Kaye Geiger loves to care for and build up our Shepherding Elder wives. Come to this bi-monthly gathering where our shepherding elder wives will spend time together in His Word, pray for one another and build community. 

Please use the links below to register. Childcare is free – please use the promo code Childcare100off during registration.

Shepherding Elder Wives with Kaye Geiger – June 5
Morning Session: 11:30a-1p in Ministry Center Room 208 –Lunch Gathering and Childcare
Evening Session will be combined with Kaye’s How to Study the Bible course in the Upper Room at 7-8:30pm.

Mark your calendars for the rest of 2024:

  • Aug 7
  • Oct 9
  • Dec 11
Monthly Prayer Meeting

On the first Sunday of every month (7:30-8:15 am) our Shepherding Elders gather by Zoom to pray for the needs of our church and community. This unites our team and speaks to the care that we have for our church and for each other.

The Elders Monthly Prayer Connection is Sunday, June 2 from 7:30-8:15a on Zoom.
June 2 | Prayer Meeting
Please use passcode: 670717

Shepherding Elder Gatherings

We gather as a Shepherding Elder community across all our congregations twice a year to spend intentional time connecting, worshiping, and planning for the future of our church. We take time to celebrate what God is doing through our community and share some important updates about Mariners. These times together are encouraging, meaningful and impactful to the unity and effective ministry of our Shepherding Elders.

Mark your calendars, for our next gatherings on the evenings of:

October 8, 2024

2025 gathering dates will be posted when finalized.

Serve Opportunities

I Believe Baptisms and Extended Prayer Weekends- Across All Congregations

We have the opportunity to stand together with our church as we pray over and celebrate all that God is doing in and through the people of Mariners. Our I Believe and Extended Prayer weekends are when we respond to the needs of our church by praying over those who come forward during service. Save the dates to know when we have these opportunities to partner together and pray for those as they have the opportunity to respond to how Jesus is leading them in their lives.

Save the Dates:

I Believe Weekends:


  • Jan 11, 13 & 14
  • April 11, 13 & 14
  • May 2, 4 & 5
  • June 20, 22 & 23
  • September 12, 14 & 15
  • Oct 31, Nov 2 & 3
  • Dec 12, 14 & 15

Extended Prayer Weekends:


  • Feb 8, 10 & 11
  • March 14, 16 & 17
  • April 4, 6 & 7
  • August 15, 17 & 18
  • Sept 19, 21 & 22
  • October 10, 12 & 13
  • Nov 30 & Dec 1



  • February 1,3 & 4
  • March 21, 23 & 24
  • April 25, 27 & 28
  • June 20, 22 & 23
  • Sept 26, 28 & 29
  • Nov 14, 16 & 17
Child Dedications

We believe that Child Dedication is such an important moment for our families and an opportunity to celebrate and partner with our church in loving, leading, and launching fearless, world-changing kids. Your involvement in this experience makes everything very personal; creating an intentional environment that will inspire courageous decisions for families to put God in the center of their homes.

As a Child Dedication prayer leader, you’ll create opportunities for parents/caregivers to hear words of encouragement and blessing that will challenge them for years to come by coming alongside them in discussion and prayer.

We would LOVE to invite you to be a part of our Child Dedication ceremonies. These dedications are a beautiful experience for parents and families to dedicate their children to the Lord, and we truly couldn’t do it without you.

If you have questions please email the Kids Director at your congregation:

HB- Diane Hodgkins [email protected]
IR- Adrine Staff [email protected]
MV- Cassandra Robles [email protected]
NI- Meli Gojkovich [email protected]
SA- Reyna Sandoval [email protected]
OS- Lauren Mascaro [email protected]
OCRM- Genevive Hilbert [email protected]

Save the Date for Irvine and Congregations: 

Irvine- Saturdays 

Congregations- Sundays

  • March 17
  • September 29
Chaplain Ministry

We have a wonderful Chaplain Ministry that ministers to people both from our church and in our community. We have the distinct privilege to visit people in hospitals, shut-ins, and those on hospice. If you would like to serve as a Chaplain, please email Scott Yardley at [email protected].

Mariners Online

Our Online Mariners church community is growing and reaching far beyond the buildings of our church. Justin Herman, our Online Discipleship Pastor, would love to partner with you in reaching our Mariners Online community. Here are some ways that you can serve our online community:

  • Hosting our online weekend services
  • Online Prayer Team
  • Leading an online Rooted or online Marriage Course
  • Expanding our Hosted Here presence across the country

There is a place for you to inspire people to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world. Justin would love to talk about the impact you could make. Click HERE to set up a 30 minute call.


As Shepherding Elders, we help carry the spiritual weight of the church. Several ways that we do that is by performing weddings and memorials as well as serving as Pastor of the Day. We also have a training on our Elder Prayer to equip you for caring for our congregations through healing prayer. If you are interested in being trained in any of these ministries, please see below.

Spiritual Authority Cohort
A 6-module experiential prayer training curriculum designed to encourage, empower, and equip you with new ways of praying using your spiritual authority. Begin praying with expectation and see God move in your home, workplace, neighborhood, and beyond.

When: Mondays, 6:45-8:45p
Dates: Once a month from Jan – June | Jan 22, Feb 26, Mar 18, Apr 22, May 20, June 10
Location: Meetings hosted at Mariners Irvine (Jan, Feb, Mar, June) & at Mariners Huntington Beach (Apr & May)

Pastor Of The Day
Date:  TBD
Location: Mariners Irvine

Weddings and Memorials
Date: TBD
Location: Mariners Irvine

Elder Prayer
Date: TBD
Location: Mariners Irvine

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