A safe and supportive space for those diagnosed with cancer, undergoing cancer treatment and/or living with the effects of cancer.
Meets weekly on Monday from 6:30-8P.
We meet in Room 209 of the Ministry Center
A gathering which offers a place to process cancer-related physical issues and emotional needs.
A place to find spiritual strength amongst others with lived experience of cancer.
11/28-29/24- Thanksgiving
12/22/24-1/3/25- Christmas/ New Years
1/20/25- MLK Jr Day
5/26/25- Memorial Day
6/16-20/25- VBS
7/4/25- Independence Day
7/28/25-8/1/25- Jr High Camp
9/1/25- Labor Day
11/27-28/25- Thanksgiving
12/22/25-1/2/26- Christmas/ New Years