Once at 9/11/2024 5:30 PMWhere:
All CampusesMinistry Center, Room 200C
HSM we will be hosting a Community Outreach event at a local church in Mexico! Our Mexico partner, Ministerios Transformación, has planted over 50 neighborhood churches throughout Baja Mexico.
Cost: For this trip there is $125 This fee covers the cost of vans, insurance, fuel, dorms, meals and supplies for the trip. This trip is fully funded by the volunteers who go.
Day 1: We want to help one of these neighborhood churches grow by hosting a community outreach event focused on youth and families. As well as help with a build project.
Day 2: Attend church together at, Comunidad Connection, and head back over the boarder.
Attend the Info Meeting on Wednesday, Sept.11 for next steps!