Weekly: Wednesdays at 7:00 PMWhere:
IrvineCommunity Center
Life Groups are smaller groups of students who meet on Wednesday nights with two caring adult leaders throughout the 3 sessions that take place during the year. They're a space for students to connect, feel known, and grow together in their relationship with Jesus.
This registration is for the Irvine congregation!
Are you interested in joining a Youth Life Group for the very first time? Continue with the registration form!
Were you in a 2023-24 Youth Life Group? You do not need to register again for 2024-25. Simply RSVP "YES" at the link here!
This registration applies for the remaining 2 sessions of Life Groups.
- Session 2: Jan 8 to Apr 9
- Session 3: Apr 30 to May 28
- For JHM (6th-8th grade), please contact Jenna Clark ([email protected]).
- For HSM (9th-12th grade), please contact Will Martz ([email protected]).