Mariners Women exists to inspire people to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world.

Save the Date
January- March Offerings:
January 2: Life Group Finder Opens
January 14-16: Rooted Winter Session Begins
January 28-31: Winter Bible Studies Begin
February 6-7 – MomCo Thursday & Friday Begin
February 10 – Life and Leadership Night with Christine Caine
March 26 – Women’s Night with Christine Caine (Registration Link coming soon!)

Life Group
At Mariners, we believe that real connection and growth happen in smaller communities. Rooted is the best place to begin your journey. If you haven’t gone through Rooted yet, now’s your chance! Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to help you connect deeply with God, the church, and your purpose. In a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer, serve others, share your story, and develop spiritual rhythms that lead to lasting transformation.
For more information or to get connected, contact [email protected]